Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sippy Cup Adventures

So we decided it was time to introduce Lillian to a sippy cup...it went well at first as you can see in the pictures below...but since then she hasn't been so interested. She's not a big fan of water yet and usually cries when she realizes that it is water in the cup and not her milk. She's also not real big on having to hold the cup on her own...she'd rather me hold it up and tip it back for her...I don't really blame her for this though! I guess we'll keep trying and she'll get used to it! We also had another first this weekend...she had YoBaby yogurt for the first time and LOVED it! I was worried about her tummy since she had problems at the beginning, but so far so good...I'll keep a close eye on it this week though! One more thing...we'll be celebrating Lillian's 6 month birthday on Thursday...I can't believe how fast it has gone by...people tell you that but you don't really realize it until you have your own child...well, I now understand!


Kittie "Kat" said...

Did you really post this at 4:02 A.M. THIS MORNING??????? She is a doll!

Sandi said...

No...I have to figure out how to change the time. Thanks!