Friday, February 22, 2008

6 Months Old!

Lillian turned 6 months old yesterday! I still can't believe how fast it has all gone...there was a time when I thought it was creeping by, but now I look back and can't believe it has been 6 months! She is such a gift to us and everyday she changes and does something new! Her newest "trick" is sleeping through the night! Yay for Lillian...and for mommy! Keep your fingers crossed for us has only been the last 2 nights, but I'm hopeful this time! She's getting so close to some other tricks too...I think sitting up is just around the corner! An update on the yogurt...NO MORE! She quickly let me know her tummy can't handle the milk yet...poor thing is still recovering from it. She won't have to go without though....we'll try Silk Soy yogurt next. Hope everyone is doing well...we are going to make the most out of what is left of our Winter break...hopefully it will dry up for us!

1 comment:

Kittie "Kat" said...

She is SO cute!! I can't BELIEVE how much she looks like Chad! It's just amazing ~ I predict the next 3 babies born to you, Jennifer and Katie will look like the girls!