Friday, March 14, 2008

Is it Summer yet?

I just had to share this picture...Lillian is ready for her first Summer!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

It's baseball time!

Another exciting first in Lillian's life...her first baseball game! We went to Chad's first home baseball game last Thursday and Lillian had a blast! She loved seeing all the people and watching the game...we are excited for the rest of the season!

Busy, Busy, Busy

Lillian has been very busy lately...all of a sudden she has done so much! It is amazing how fast everything is happening these days! In the past 2 weeks she has:
1) Cut 2 teeth-both bottom
2) Rolls over from her back to her tummy

3) Says mama and dada

4) Sits up alone!
5) Eats biter biscuits and wagon wheels...huge achievement!

So far...this is my favorite stage of her life! I am so excited for all that is to come in the next few months! She is becoming a little person...Michelle said last week that Kennedy went over to Lillian and started babbling to her. I guess the other kids are seeing her more like them instead of a little is going to be a whole new world for Lillian now! Oh...and I forgot to add something to her list of new things:
6) Pitches fits...she does this by breathing really fast and hard until she gets what she wants