Here is a run-down of our extremely busy seems like ALOT, but I think I might be bored if it were any other way! Lillian had a blast! I was sort-of surprised how "into" it she was...she like opening presents and like the other kids, when she got one open she moved right on to the next hardly acknowledging the fact that there was a present under the paper. She also LOVED the big boxes! She learned how to climb on EVERYTHING from her cousin Jay and she hasn't stopped since! We are now home and enjoying some quiet time just the 3 of us! Merry Christmas!
Christmas #5- Mom and Mike and family
Christmas #4- Daddy and Robin and all the siblings
Lillian enjoyed her first Carousel ride in Atlanta over the break. She loved it! She was a pro too...she held on to the bar like she had been doing it her whole life!
I took Lillian to have breakfast with Santa this morning at Vandy's. I was very nervous about how she would react to him since last year was not a huge success...but everything was great! We were able to get some OK pictures with Santa and ZERO tears were shed! I was so proud of her and can't wait for her to meet him again next week...maybe we'll be able to get some smiles out of her!
We took LOTS and LOTS of pictures today trying to get the perfect pictures for our Christmas card. Here are some pictures that didn't make the card, but were still cute! It is VERY difficult to get a good picture of everyone! Lillian is loving the Christmas tree and loves looking at it and playing with the ornaments...but not taking them off the tree. I think she is also trying to say "Christmas tree" but I'm not 100% sure. One thing is for sure is Christmas time at the Smallman house and we're loving it!
We had a great Thanksgiving this year! Lillian showed off for my parents and had a BIG time! It is amazing how much better the holidays are when you have a child to enjoy them with...this has been the best Thanksgiving yet!
This has been such a great break so far! It is so nice to be able to spend so much time with Lillian! We have been playing all day and having the best time! I am so happy we still have 4 1/2 days left! I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving...and enjoy the rest of the time we have off!
Happy Halloween almost a month late! Lillian had a great time even though she is still to young to trick or treat...she did go accross the street to trick or treat though! She was the cutest little cow ever! Scary thought...look at the 2nd picture and fast forward 14 years...SCARY!
Jennifer has been given some relief with the arrival of Lorelei McClain Prosser. She weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces and was 20 inches long. She is beautiful and perfect and I know Jennifer can't wait to get her home and spend 12 wonderful weeks with her. I'll get some pictures today and upload them, so check back. Lillian is excited about another girl to join her at Michelle's...she is surrounded by boys right now! We love you Lorelei and are looking forward to so much with you!
We had a blast carving pumpkins Saturday night! The kids got to play with the inside of the pumpkin, which Drew that was gross and Lillian enjoyed eating, and everyone had a GREAT time! I know Fall is here to stay when we carve pumpkins! We tried to get some pictures of Drew and Lillian when we were done...easier said than done...but we managed to get a couple that would do!